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How To Prepare Your Pet for Surgery

Making sure pets are all set for surgery can help these procedures go more smoothly but what should you do to get them ready? At Valley Animal Hospital, our vets serving Montclair, NJ, and Clifton, NJ, offers routine surgeries and other procedures. Let’s go over what you can do to make sure your pet is prepared for surgery.

What Kind of Surgery Is Your Pet Having?

Depending on the procedure, your pet might be getting general anesthesia. We’ll examine him beforehand to make sure he doesn’t have any issues that could affect his safety during or after surgery.

Procedures that often involve general anesthesia include:

•             Spaying

•             Neutering

•             Tooth extractions

•             Orthopedic surgery

What Should I Do the Night before Surgery?

We might ask you not to give your pet any food on the night before they have his procedure so plan on feeding your pet earlier in the evening. Afterwards, you may need to avoid giving him any treats or other food.

Does your pet take medication? We might ask you not to give it to him before their surgery, depending on the type of medication he takes.

What Should I Do the Day of My Pet’s Procedure?

Take your pet out to let him relieve himself prior to surgery. Don’t feed him if you’ve been asked to make sure he doesn’t eat before their visit.

When Should I Bring My Pet In?

We’ll let you know how early to show up for your appointment. This gives us time on our end to make sure your pet is prepared for surgery. For example, we’ll need to give the anesthesia time to kick in.

What Should I Do after Surgery?

Helping your pet recover from his procedure might involve doing all of the following:

•             Providing him a comfortable area for resting

•             Keeping an E-collar on him to prevent chewing or scratching the incision

•             Watching incisions for infections

•             Restricting your pet’s exercise and activities

Get Vet Care and Pet Surgery from a Veterinarian Near You from an Animal Hospital

If you are looking for trusted veterinary team, we’re here to help. Call us at (973) 509-5225 to set up an appointment with our team at Valley Animal Hospital, serving Montclair, NJ, and Clifton, NJ. Our veterinary team performs all pet surgeries with a focus on what is best for your pet and his health. Contact us for vet care and pet surgery from a veterinarian near you from our animal hospital near you.


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Read What Our Clients Say

  • "Great care of my cat! All the staff were wonderful to deal with and you can tell they really care and love what they do! Thanks for taking care of us!"
  • "Dr. Henderson is a caring Vet. We love him.
    We do not, however, love the prices Vets charge. It is more for a pet visit than a human being. I don't know how people with more than one animal afford pet care."
    georgef, Glen Ridge